Xena can send invoices automatically if you sell services as subscriptions. If can be for software, cleaning, rent or just flowers.
The subscription feature in Xena, can create and invoice orders with specific articles to specific customers in a certain interval.
With Xena’s subscription feature, you can control a regular delivery. No matter if it is physical items, work, rent or license, you need a system to control who should do what and when and then send the invoice.
How to use the subscription feature
A subscription can be created manually (go to Sales > Subscription > Create subscription) or from a task on an existing order. From an order, you can click the options menu and choose “Create subsctiption”. This will create a subscription with the information from the order.
A subscription needs:
- A partner (customer)
- Articles or services
- An interval and start date
When reaching the interval, an invoice is created based on the subscription data. You can create as many subscriptions as you want.
In the subscription overview (go to Sales > Subscriptions > Subscription overview), you can see some useful graphs for the development and turnover.
- Updated