Orders are where offers and invoices comes from. When either buying or selling articles, services or licenses, it starts with an order in Xena.
There are two types of orders in Xena: Sale and purchase.
- Sales orders can become an offer, invoice, delivery note, credit nota etc. Everything you would send to a customer to sell or deliver something.
- Purchasing orders is a way to register purchases in your company. This order can become a delivery, invoice or returned invoice.
The sales order
A new sales order can be created via the menu (Sales > Order > Create order) or when viewing a partner. If you create it from the partner view, all the partner details are filled out automatically.
Sales orders can also be created automatically by the subscription system in Xena.
A sales order bookkeeps a sale of your articles or services. It results in consume of your stock (less items in the stock) and an income on the items sold. The partner on the order owns you money (“debtor” or “customer”).
If the customer or items sold are liable of VAT, outgoing sales VAT is bookkept.
The purchasing order
A new purchase order can be created via the menu (Purchasing > Order > Create order) or from the partner view with all the partner information prefilled.
Purchasing order can be created automatically be the reorder system in Xena.
A purchasing order bookkeeps a purchase of articles or services. It results in more stuff in your stock if inventory management is enabled, and a purchase on the items bought. You own the partner on the order money (“creditor” or “supplier”).
If the supplier or items bought are liable of VAT, incoming purchasing VAT is bookkept.
Delete an order
Only open orders can be deleted. The order gets the label “deleted” and will not show up on any lists. In the order head of an order, open the context menu and click “Delete”.
A deleted order can be restored from the order overview (Sales (or, Purchasing) > Order > Order overview). Check the “Show deactivated” checkbox. Open the order you want to restore. Open the context menu in the order head and click “Restore”.
Other features of orders
- From one order, you can create multiple invoices, if the order contains more than one task. This is clever for larger projects.
- Everything you print or send from an order is archived. That enables you to see all historic offers, even after the invoice is sent. Just go the “Documents” tab in the order head.
- You can make copies of orders. Open the context menu from the order you want to copy and click on “Copy”. You now see a new order with the exact same content.
- An invoice can be rolled back with one click. Find the order. In the context menu in the order head, choose “Credit note”. This creates a new task in the order, that rolls back the invoice or invoices. Both invoices and credit notes are archived in the same order.
If a new invoice is needed from the order you rolled back, use the copy feature, as described above.
- Updated