Manage variants for articles
Same article can different variants, like color, size, age, type or other things. Hare, you learn how to manage them in Xena.
Why variant management?
In many systems, variants are not possible and you have to create each variant with a different article id.
In Xena, it is possible to manage variants on the same article number. It gives you many advantages, e.g. fewer article numbers and a stock you can overview. You can also quickly overview what variants are available for an article in your stock.
Get started on managing variants
First, you need variant ranges. Go to “Setup” > “Article setup” and select the tab “Variant ranges”. Click on "Create new" and enter description - for example. "Sizes"
In the following example, we have created the variants “size” and “color” for clothing.
Each variant holds a series of options. Click on a variant. In the image below, four options are made in the “size” variant for our clothes: “Small”, “Medium”, “Large”, and “Xtra large”. Likewise, we create the options “Green” and “Black” in the color variant.
Now the variants can be attached to an article. Go to the article (or create a new one), in this example: “Clothes”. In box “Details”, go to the tab “Variants” and click the button “Enable”. Choose the variant ranges needed for this article:
Then a list of combinations appear; choose what combinations are possible for this article:
Afterwards, you can assign a stock count representing how many of the variants you have in stock. Go to the tab “Stock” and click the “Specify variants/location” in the context menu.
At the top is the inventory you can assign to variants, and now you just create lines for each variants where you have a current inventory. Finally, click "Update.":
Here, the stock count is sorted to right variants:
When selling or buying this article, you can now specify the variants.
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